Friday, May 29, 2015
Happy Birthday

Sunday, May 24, 2015
Weekend story
Since my last post I found out I was 3cm dilated. My midwife said in the next two days we'd be holding our little girl. Well, here I am 4 days later and no baby! Ugh the frustration and anticipation is killing me!! Guess this baby is gonna be a little jokester like her dad the way she keeps playing with us. "I'm coming out today! No wait, just kidding ;)"
But anyway, my mother in law and sister in law drove down to visit us for a couple days :) So grateful for their support. We went to the beach and hung around and chilled. We also got help and things from Costco we wouldn't have time to get once the baby gets here. When they left we had a cleaner kitchen than when they came! haha Really enjoyed them here :)
The day they left my husband and I didn't really do much after. (If you couldn't tell by now I've gone into lazy panda mode this last month of pregnancy). However, the following day we did make plans after Bryan's workout. I'd been craving beignets ever since I left the south last July so we decided to try Bud's Louisiana Cafe. We were not disappointed! Ok maybe the portion size for the piece of chocolate cake my husband got was too small but I got plenty of beignets! ;) Indoor and outdoor seating but its recommended you make reservations and double check the hours because they're a little wacky. The menu was medium priced and since I wanted more than one thing I got small portions in the Cajun jambalaya and red beans and rice. They were soooo good and the small portions surprisingly filled me up. Its pretty heavy. Here are some pics from our dinner:
Today I got surprised with "Hey when I get back from my workout we can go to the mall and you can pick out anything. I'll buy it" anybody would be all for it but being that he likes to play pranks I was like 'hmmm what's the catch??' B- "No catch. you just deserve something nice for carrying our daughter for 9 months." I was still skeptical for about another 5min then the sweetness came pouring down & washed any ounce of skeptisism away. I've been blessed with a great man :) For what would count as my near 'push present' I just picked out some makeup. I would have fed my shoe addiction or picked out clothes but obviously nothing fits me and my feet are too swollen haha We grabbed something quick to eat on the way back so he can catch the Cavs game and rest up for work. Despite Olivia playing peek a boo with her arrival the days that followed weren't so bad.

Thursday, May 21, 2015
At the moment...
Current style motivation:
Current song stuck in my head:
Current quote I'm trying to apply to my life:
Current bible verse:
Current mama envy:
Current craving:
Current guilty pleasure to watch on tv:
These are just a few of the random addictions I get. Stay tuned for more in future posts ;)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Wanderlust: NEW YORK
Wanderlust: A strong desire to wander and explore the world
As you may or may not know by now Im 38 weeks pregnant!(well as of tomorrow) Being that Im so pregnant I've had a lot of idle time to Pinterest and watch entire tv series(about New York). Since we didn't have a baby moon this pregnancy because of everything going on we're(ok, more me) planning a vacay post baby. With my job I've been blessed to visit more countries than most people ever see in a life time in the western pacific, south america & in the middle east. As much as I wanna go overseas to European countries(haven't been yet) I've had such a strong urge to visit New York. East coast period! Never been but I love it already. I wanna enjoy the season from a different point of view, wear cute scarves and boots if we go in the fall, walk through central park, visit all five boroughs, eat all this yummy food and visit all the spots my favorite characters did in their show.
In the beginning I mentioned my binge tv series watching so I'll list my favorite shows based out of New York. These should make you fall in love with it too:
-The City
-Gossip Girl
-Sex & the City
-Law & Order: SVU

Monday, May 18, 2015
Fun Fact
"Being nice to someone you dont like does NOT make you two faced. It makes you a mature adult who knows when to pick their battles and when to just let it go and tolerate someone for their shitty personality. If you think otherwise grow up"

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Vitamin SEA

1. This is what makes us girls
2. Born to die
3. Off to the races
4. Blue jeans
5. Pepsi cola
6. Serial Killer

Sunday, May 10, 2015
Happy Mothers Day!

Friday, May 8, 2015
"Allow yourself to let go of your worries..."

Thursday, May 7, 2015
My Fave Photo Apps
1. Instagram -Now a days who doesn't use this?? Its got really nice filters to choose from and you can do simple edits like crop, rotate etc and share them all instantly with family, friends and anybody. I know its called "INSTA"gram so you can post things "instantly" but I never do. If Im not adding edits first then Im uploading a "no filter" selfie after I use another app to fit it to size.
2. Instasize -I use this app ALL THE TIME when I post to instagram! If you have a landscape size picture or a picture/video you dont wanna crop then this app makes sure it'll all fit when you post. You can change the border color if you dont want just a basic white and now you can add some filters with this app too. Oh and its got no watermark so you can fit it without it saying 'instasize' over your pic distracting everybody.
3. BeFunky -I mostly use this app to flip my pictures vertical or horizontal. Like if I save one of my snapchat pics they usually come out backwards so I use this to flip it the right way. Not too big a fan of the filters but go ahead and try it out if you want.
4. VSCOcam -Faithfully using this app. MY FAVORITE app! I love all the filters and you can make them grainy, add "fog". Really good for the whole Tumblr effect. Did I already mention this was my favorite app? I LOVE IT!
5. Frametastic -I use this app to make collages. Making a collage using this will automatically fit to size for your social media sites and wont leave a watermark.
6. Magic Hour -This just tells me when sunrise starts, stops and when the "golden hour" is for the best dreamy sunset pics. If Im not using it for picture purposes Im using it to catch the sunset on beach ;)
7. Aviary -I dont use this too often but when I do its my go-to for blurring out effect. I blur out background things/people/personal info.
8.Videoshop -Rarely do I ever post a video but when I do I use this. You can add music, crop,add effects etc to your videos. Works great and is the only app I use to do this kinda stuff.
9. TimerCamera -Pretty self explanatory. When my outfit is on point and the mirror cuts off my bottom half and nobody is here to take a pic of me I use this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015