1. Instagram -Now a days who doesn't use this?? Its got really nice filters to choose from and you can do simple edits like crop, rotate etc and share them all instantly with family, friends and anybody. I know its called "INSTA"gram so you can post things "instantly" but I never do. If Im not adding edits first then Im uploading a "no filter" selfie after I use another app to fit it to size.
2. Instasize -I use this app ALL THE TIME when I post to instagram! If you have a landscape size picture or a picture/video you dont wanna crop then this app makes sure it'll all fit when you post. You can change the border color if you dont want just a basic white and now you can add some filters with this app too. Oh and its got no watermark so you can fit it without it saying 'instasize' over your pic distracting everybody.
3. BeFunky -I mostly use this app to flip my pictures vertical or horizontal. Like if I save one of my snapchat pics they usually come out backwards so I use this to flip it the right way. Not too big a fan of the filters but go ahead and try it out if you want.
4. VSCOcam -Faithfully using this app. MY FAVORITE app! I love all the filters and you can make them grainy, add "fog". Really good for the whole Tumblr effect. Did I already mention this was my favorite app? I LOVE IT!
5. Frametastic -I use this app to make collages. Making a collage using this will automatically fit to size for your social media sites and wont leave a watermark.
6. Magic Hour -This just tells me when sunrise starts, stops and when the "golden hour" is for the best dreamy sunset pics. If Im not using it for picture purposes Im using it to catch the sunset on beach ;)
7. Aviary -I dont use this too often but when I do its my go-to for blurring out effect. I blur out background things/people/personal info.
8.Videoshop -Rarely do I ever post a video but when I do I use this. You can add music, crop,add effects etc to your videos. Works great and is the only app I use to do this kinda stuff.
9. TimerCamera -Pretty self explanatory. When my outfit is on point and the mirror cuts off my bottom half and nobody is here to take a pic of me I use this.

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