collage made by someone on Facebook
Since Saturday morning(aka my last post) alot has happened. That afternoon my father in law had the heart transplant we'd all been praying for!(which went well by the way) Lots of prayers and support from so much family & friends. Then yesterday we went to visit him at the hospital.
the flowers we got him.
Before we went in we had to wear a mask, gloves and a gown to make sure we didn't bring any germs inside with us.(that means flowers stayed in the car) I was sooooo surprised at how alert and talkative he was! If you didn't know he had just gotten a heart transplant then you probably wouldn't ever know based on how he was talking. God is good all the time.
my dad,myself & father in law 3yrs ago
not the best quality but the most recent picture a few months before he got admitted to the hospital
This is my mother in law who was always there for her husband. She makes me so proud and sets a really good example of how a wife stands by her husband "in sickness and in health" A really good role model to add to my list of STRONG WOMEN! I love you!! & with all that good that's come with patience and prayer I'll leave you with this quote I found. (alittle combo of motivational monday). Enjoy the start of your week!
I got this image off pinterest
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