Just like the title of this post, WHERE DO I BEGIN?? I know I moved and said it'd be a week before we got wifi and that I'd do a home tour buuuuuuut transitioning from an apartment to a 3bd 2.5bth house is cray! Back at the apartment all of our furniture and decor was just right. Bringing all that to the new house doesn't feel like enough...because it isn't! We've got an extra bedroom, a backyard, a giant living room(compared to our last), bigger bedrooms, bigger everything...ugh it's all so much compared to the apartment. Except my walk-in closet. That's actually A LOT smaller than the apartment and Im very disappointed. Oh well, Bryan will just get the hallway linen closet for his clothes ;) haha jk
I love this neigborhood because its so family friendly. You constantly see families walking around with their kids or jogging. We literally have a playground in our backyard! It's great. Super sad I dont have a Home Tour post ready like I'd hoped but I promise it's coming soon. Putting that on hold, a lot of other things have come up and I've just been so busy. Family parties, basketball games for Bryan, home decor shopping, drives to our families house, getting my shop items ready to sell(post about that tomorrow!) and Bryan is having out of state basketball games so yea...
Glad you're all here to follow along with my busy, never boring, crazy life :)

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