Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Four Months

Monday, September 28, 2015
Where do I begin?
Just like the title of this post, WHERE DO I BEGIN?? I know I moved and said it'd be a week before we got wifi and that I'd do a home tour buuuuuuut transitioning from an apartment to a 3bd 2.5bth house is cray! Back at the apartment all of our furniture and decor was just right. Bringing all that to the new house doesn't feel like enough...because it isn't! We've got an extra bedroom, a backyard, a giant living room(compared to our last), bigger bedrooms, bigger everything...ugh it's all so much compared to the apartment. Except my walk-in closet. That's actually A LOT smaller than the apartment and Im very disappointed. Oh well, Bryan will just get the hallway linen closet for his clothes ;) haha jk
I love this neigborhood because its so family friendly. You constantly see families walking around with their kids or jogging. We literally have a playground in our backyard! It's great. Super sad I dont have a Home Tour post ready like I'd hoped but I promise it's coming soon. Putting that on hold, a lot of other things have come up and I've just been so busy. Family parties, basketball games for Bryan, home decor shopping, drives to our families house, getting my shop items ready to sell(post about that tomorrow!) and Bryan is having out of state basketball games so yea...
Glad you're all here to follow along with my busy, never boring, crazy life :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Proposal
[Skit: Seinfeld & Wale]
Seinfield: Getting engaged is like getting, uh, it's the first hill of the roller coaster And you hear those clickers, the loud sound - this really violent, metal 'Chunka-chunka-chunka' and you go, "What, what's going on here," You know? "Boy this thing is really, really goes high!"
Wale: I'm looking down, 'Oh shit!'
Seinfield: And then you go over the top, the wedding is at the top. You go over the top, is the wedding and then you're just screaming Wale: Even if you make plans you never think you're really ready for marriage?
Seinfield: No it's uh, it's like any growth. You're no- you can't be ready for it because tha- it's growth, it's gonna be new. It's gonna be new. You're gonna have a new life, you're gonna be a new person
On this day last year I pulled in from a South American deployment. It was the first time Bryan had ever seen me pull in with my ship so I was super excited! On top of all that, he graduated last May from Montana Tech University & moved back to California. At that time I was living in Mississippi for work orders so we were still long distance. Before I left for our short South America trip he flew to the south to visit me :) In the part I was, New Orleans was an hour away one direction, Alabama was 30 min one way & Florida was an hour the other. SWEET!! Nice little trip.
Enough with the random side story haha We pulled in on the 15th last year and I couldn't wait to see him :) I'll admit, the short deployment was sorta stressful on our relationship. Im not sure if it was the anxiousness of finally living together and distance being over or maybe the devil trying to split us up. Who knows. But when I say I've got man strong in his faith I mean it! He doesn't believe in "breaks" or breakups. There have been many times that I've been too stressed and been like "UGH why are we even together?! Look how we argue!" then he'd go "We're together because God told us we'd be husband and wife so stop saying that! I love you" haha nobody is perfect. But he's perfcet for me :)
There I go with another side story! Stop me next time. But anyway, Once the brow was lowered and we were let off I left to go find him. When I saw him he had a bouquet of roses for me :) I asked a lady nearby if she could take a picture of us and once she did I was like "c'mon lets go home its hot out here" then he kept saying Hold on hold on. Me being the impatient person I am I was like "OMG lets GO its hot and Im hungry" and then he's like "Ah, well..I didn't wanna do this in front of everybody but you deserve it *drops down to one knee* Will You Marry Me?" The lady who took our first picture snatched my phone and took pics. If you know Bryan then you would know this is totally out of character haha He doesn't like being in the spotlight.. even tho he deserves to be(he's quite the comedian). I was SO shocked!! I had no idea, and i mean NO idea he would do this or that I would be engaged after the sweetest proposal :) I SAID YES!! and cried and he says I almost tackled him haha
Here we are a year later; married, a beautiful baby girl, good jobs, good health, a roof over a heads...God is so good! Im very blessed :)

Monday, September 14, 2015
Fam Cam
A couple of my favorite people! I love how Olivia can bring a smile to everyone around her. I love my happy beautiful fat cheeked baby :) Sorry I've been so M.I.A lately, a lot has been happening but I cant wait to share. Be back soon!

Sunday, September 6, 2015
Netflix & Chill
1. Narcos (episode series)
2. Bloodline (episode series)
3. Once Upon a time (episode series)
4. Happy (documentary)
5. Greys Anatomy (episode series)

Saturday, September 5, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015