Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Here's the Scoop

Props to the full time blogger moms! One of my goals this year was to be more consistent and Im failing miserably haha but one thing that isn't is my household. Ya girl is holding it down! Full time military momma, wife, chef, maid, pregnant name it! I do get stressed and my husband does his best to give me "ME" time but I choose naps & pedicures over blogging haha I have a ton of drafts of awesome things and I'll tweak and post this week :) Also, I love my new blog layout etc but certainly things aren't displaying how I want them to so that's also been a reason I've avoided blogging. If you know how to help pleaseeeee email me! Or comment whatever. So yeah, since my last post get ready for the scoop of the century! Joking ;) but let me update you all:

Bible Study:
-We've held it at our house twice already(we alternate with our friends) and it's been great! It's every Tuesday and so far composed of mostly young people like ourselves. God has big plans for our futures! 

-Ugh don't even let me vent! So we had our entire trip payed for to go to Puerto Rico, PUERTO RICO!!!!!!, but because of the Zika virus affecting that area(amongst many others) we had to cancel and go somewhere else. I literally had everything planned, activity wise, for each day. Having to go back to the drawing board was something I was dreading. But hey, its a vacation so that's always fun. After much debate and shooting down any ideas close to water we agreed on going to NEW YORK!! So excited! :D the cherry on it all was my husband telling me that he's still taking me to Puerto Rico in the summer :) of course I wont be pregnant by then so it works out! 

Olivia & my Pregnancy:
-My big girl is 8 months old! Time is FLYING by. Such a bittersweet feeling....she's got 4 teeth and chomps away at anything in sight. Being a mother has brought me so much joy. I love watching her smile at me when I come home from work :) My current pregnancy is going great. Baby looks good on the ultra sounds, strong heart beat and a definite mover. Stay tuned for my notorious bump pics ;)

Mom Mobile
-If you know me then Im pretty sure you know the kind of car I had. My good ol trusty Honda Fit aka the silver bullet. That car was a champion and great on gas. I've only had it two years but once we found out about baby #2 we knew we had to upgrade my car. My husband's car is untouchable so mine had to be the soccer mom/ it's ok if the kids make a mess/ safe enough/ big enough car. After much research we found the perfect one! Fitting a newer car payment into our budget was something we couldn't afford if we didn't get the right amount for our trade in value and God always makes a way because we did it! Payments aren't far from what we were paying before and this car is perfect! I've had it less than a week but it's awesome haha the car is a Nissan Murano. Crisp black and freshly tinted to match my husbands ;)

That's my scoop! Promise to get back into my posts soon! Thanks for all my new readers and old ones :) 

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